In today’s market place, delivering goods on time, on budget and being friendly to the environment are all critical factors. With just in time delivery now the norm, a fine balancing act has to be paid between economy and time.
AB Airflow has the solution…

Trials have clearly shown that by using a correctly designed and executed aerodynamic package, fuel savings of up to 25% can be achieved. Comparisons made between trucks with and without Bespoke AB Airflow solutions have clearly shown that the same amount of fuel actually carries the truck further. See the gallery page for examples of trucks and systems that we have delivered previously.
And here is another benefit…. When the price of Diesel goes up the potential to make savings increase dramatically, so saving you even more money.
Whether or not you agree about the validity of the threat from global warming and its cause, public opinion is pressurising companies not only to address their impact on the environment but also to be seen to be doing something.
So what does AB Airflow offer?
AB Airflow consults with you and your teams to understand the requirements of you and your business. Once these aims have been clearly understood AB will then create a bespoke solution. The solution is created using only the highest quality materials to ensure strength, lightweight and durability. Then the solution can be applied to the vehicles.
Using AB Airflow’s Bespoke solutions means getting the whole package tailored specifically to meet the aims and objectives of your business.
Call Andy Bacon today to discuss your requirements on Sandy, 01767 692262, send an email to to find out more.